Yes, there is. Please check the Register Now tab on the home page for details on registration plans.
Register Now: https://indiacsrsummit.in/registration.php

Please check out Agenda section for the event's schedule.
Agenda: https://indiacsrsummit.in/agenda.php

The event will be hosted on 17th and 18th October, 2024 at Pullman Hotel, New Delhi.

The event is open for professionals from corporate organizations, CSR foundations, non-profits/trusts, government and non-government organizations, social enterprises, start-ups, academic and technological institutes, impact investors and social incubators.

The cost vary as per the size of the stall, please check the Exhibition plan or call us at 8630196468.
Exhibition plan: https://indiacsrsummit.in/sponsors_exhibitors.php?p=exhibitionplan

The details will be updated soon. For more details, please visit: https://indiacsrsummit.in/about_awards.php

It is the biggest platform in the country for networking and forming connections for future projects among professionals coming from multi-sectoral domains. It also encourages dialogue among social issues that can further foster the CSR domain of the country.

If you have any queries, Please reach out to our team