Awards Thematic Categories

9th CSR Impact Awards 2022 shall be awarded in the following 14 categories:
Note: Award applications to be filled in for the projects implemented in the year FY 2022-23

1. Healthcare: This category covers projects in healthcare including public and preventive health, nutrition interventions, use of technology, or any other health interventions leading to better services or outcomes.

2. Education: This category covers projects in education, special education, awareness building, education infrastructure, etc.

3. Skill Development: This category covers projects in vocational skills and employability enhancement among children and youth, etc.

4. Livelihoods: This category covers projects in areas of creating livelihoods opportunities, sustainable livelihoods, economic empowerment, market-linkages for community products, agriculture value-chain, SHGs capacity building and COVID response for migrants’ support and community livelihoods, etc.

5. Environment: This category covers projects in areas of energy, renewable energy, environmental sustainability, ecological balance sustainable transport, waste to energy, recycling, natural resource management, conservation, plantation, etc.

6. WASH: This category covers projects in line with water and sanitation, hygiene, Swachh Bharat Mission, behavioral change for use of sanitation and push for cleanliness in project/program mode, etc.

7. Women Empowerment: This category covers projects promoting gender equality, empowering women to participate fully in economic and social life across all sectors, setting up homes and hostels for women etc.

8. Rural Development and Infrastructure: This category covers rural development and infrastructure project for better public facilities, better living conditions, and improvement in terms of access, quality of life in a rural area. For example, construction of roads, bridges, community hall, etc.

9. Special Categories (Old Age/Specially-abled/Armed Forces, etc): This is a broad category covering areas of old age-related work, road-safety, armed forces related projects, specially-abled persons, orphan children, street children etc. (covers areas not covered in any of the above categories).

10. Employee Volunteering Initiative: As employee volunteering has been listed as one of the CSR project/intervention areas as per the Companies Act 2013, it would be good to understand how companies are engaging their employees for volunteering with communities or for a cause. (Please note that there is a specific form for this category).

Special Awards:
There are a few special categories of Awards that look at overall organization’s engagement in projects or programs to maximize the impact in relevant theme or overall impact. These special awards look at how organizations have walked an extra mile to achieve visible and long-lasting impact and how their efforts can become a model for replication.

11. CSR Project of the Year 2022-23 Award: For an outstanding project that combines innovation with high impact-delivery in any of the thematic areas. The applicant agency should be convinced that the project and its impact have certain merit to be recognized as ‘CSR Project of the Year 21-22’.

12. CSR Foundation of the Year 2022-23 (Only for CSR Foundations): The foundation set up by any company or consortium of companies either to manage CSR funds or to implement CSR projects can apply in this category. The broader evaluation parameters are based on how the foundation has successfully followed the CSR mandate of the company and tried to deliver best possible impact at the project or program level either through direct implementation or banking on the expertise of the other implementing partners.

13. Company with Best CSR Impacts in 2022-23 (Only for Companies): This category looks at the overall initiatives, and sustainability of impact through CSR. This is all about the overall intended efforts, and impact that an organization has created or creating through its various CSR projects and programs. These initiatives can be a stand-alone project or through partnerships or association of more than one organization’s collaborations.

14. CSR Implementing Agency of the Year FY 2022-23: This category caters to identifying two of the best CSR implementing agencies in India. The award looks at CSR partnerships with companies/CSR foundations, CSR projects & programs, focused approach towards a solution to development challenges, CSR impacts and scalability of the operations in future.